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The Smell of Victory

1/19/2025 Blain Gibbs  2 Corinthians 2:14-17 

Christ's Supremacy

1/12/2025 Blain Gibbs  Colossians 1:15-17 

Our God is Angry, But There is Hope

1/5/2025 David Doupe  Isaiah ch 1 

The Promise of Hope

12/29/2024 David Doupe  Isaiah Overview 

Lavish Love

12/15/2024 Blain Gibbs  Matthew 26:6-13 

The Gospel's Power

4/21/2024 Blain Gibbs  2 Corinthians 3:18-4:7 

Abraham's Faith

3/3/2024 Blain Gibbs  Genesis 15 & Selected Scriptures 

Joyful Suffering

12/17/2023 Blain Gibbs  1 Peter 4:12-19 

Meditating on the Scriptures Part 2

5/28/2023 Blain Gibbs  Selected Verses 

Meditating on the Scriptures

5/21/2023 Blain Gibbs  Selected Verses 

Where is Your Hope?

4/1/2023 David Doupe  1 Thes 4:13-18 

Thanksgiving Service

11/20/2022 David Watts  Psalms 95-100 

The Attitude of a True Servant

1/2/2022 David Doupe  Matthew 23:1-12 

Responding to God's Word

12/26/2021 Blain Gibbs  James 1:19-25 

Lessons on Prayer

11/14/2021 David Doupe  Mark 11:22-25 

Jonathan's Friendship with David Part 2

7/11/2021 Blain Gibbs  1 & 2 Samuel 

Jonathan's Friendship with David

7/4/2021 Blain Gibbs  1 Samuel 18:1-4 

Christ's Supremecy

2/28/2021 Blain Gibbs  Colossians 1:15-17 

God, Our Light and Advocate

12/27/2020 Blain Gibbs  1 John 1:5-2:2 

Our God Reigns

11/8/2020 David Doupe  Isaiah 11 

Who Then Is This?

3/15/2020 David Doupe  Mark 4:35-41 

Not My Will, But Yours

12/29/2019 Blain Gibbs  James 4:13-17 

Christ's Sacrifice pt. 2

11/17/2019 Blain Gibbs  Isaiah 53 

Christ's Sacrifice

11/11/2019 Blain Gibbs  Isaiah 53 

Abraham's Faith

7/7/2019 Blain Gibbs  Genesis 15 

Christ Centered Growth

6/30/2019 Blain Gibbs  Phil 2:5-13 

Christ's Commitment to the Lost

6/16/2019 Blain Gibbs  Lk 15:1-7, Mt 9:35-38 

Gospel Grasshoppers

6/9/2019 Blain Gibbs  Numbers 13, 14 


5/19/2019 Blain Gibbs  Sel. Scrip. 

The Perfect Storm

3/17/2019 Blain Gibbs  Luke 8:22-25 

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Showing records 1 through 30.