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Showing records 91 through 120.

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Meditating on the Scriptures

5/21/2023 Blain Gibbs  Selected Verses 

God's Plan for Women

5/14/2023 David Doupe  Titus 2:1-5 

Our Part in the Story

5/7/2023 David Doupe  Luke 24:50-53 

Sharing God's Forgiveness

4/30/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 24:44-49 

The Lord Lives

4/23/2023 David Doupe  Luke 24:33-43 

The Road to Truth

4/16/2023 David Doupe  Luke 24:13-32 

Resurrection Hope

4/9/2023 David Doupe  Luke 24:1-12 

Jesus' Burial

4/7/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 23:50-56 

Hope in the Midst of Darkness

4/2/2023 Jay Fisher  Luke 23:44-49 

Where is Your Hope?

4/1/2023 David Doupe  1 Thes 4:13-18 

The Saved Thief on the Cross

3/26/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 23:39-43 


3/19/2023 David Doupe  Luke 23:33-38 

Journey to the Cross

3/12/2023 David Doupe  Luke 23:26-32 

Guilty or Innocent?

3/5/2023 David Doupe  Luke 23:13-25 

Christ On Trial

2/26/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 23:1-12 

The Innocent One

2/19/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:63-71 

Knowing Your Own Heart

2/12/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:54-62 

How Jesus Loves Us

2/5/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:47-53 

Jesus in Gethsemane

1/29/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 22:39-46 

Grace For the Journey

1/22/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:31-38 

Humility and Pride

1/15/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:21-30 

The Last Supper

1/8/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:14-20 

Known and Held by God

1/1/2023 Blain Gibbs  Psalm 139 

Joseph and the Birth of Jesus

12/25/2022 Blain Gibbs  Matthew 1:18-25 

Waiting for a Promise

12/24/2022 David Doupe  Luke 2:25-35 

The Wise Seek Jesus

12/18/2022 David Doupe  Matthew 2:1-12 

Memorials and Promises

12/11/2022 David Doupe  Luke 22:7-13 

God's Love is Different

12/4/2022 Brian Kinzel  Isaiah 55:6-13 

Judas' Betrayal

11/27/2022 Blain Gibbs  Luke 21:37-22:6 

Thanksgiving Service

11/20/2022 David Watts  Psalms 95-100 

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Showing records 91 through 120.