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Showing records 151 through 180.

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Introduction to the book of Daniel

6/4/2023 David Doupe  Daniel 

Is He the One?

12/6/2020 David Doupe  Luke 7:18-23 

It Is Finished

4/19/2019 David Doupe  John 19:28-30 

Jerusalem in the Great Tribulation

10/30/2022 Blain Gibbs  Luke 21:20-24 

Jesus in Gethsemane

1/29/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 22:39-46 

Jesus Is the Greater One

9/20/2020 David Doupe  Luke 5:33-39 

Jesus Who Brings Peace

12/24/2023 Jay Fisher  Selected Scripture 

Jesus' Birth in Bethlehem

5/10/2020 Blain Gibbs  Luke 2:1-7 

Jesus' Burial

4/7/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 23:50-56 

Jesus' Genealogy (Through Mary)

7/12/2020 Blain Gibbs  Luke 3:23-38 

Jesus' Mission

9/13/2020 David Doupe  Luke 5:27-32 

Jesus: Worthy of Your Faith

2/14/2021 David Doupe  Luke 8:22-25 

John the Baptist's Greatness

12/13/2020 Blain Gibbs  Luke 7:24-30 

John the Baptist's Preaching

6/14/2020 Blain Gibbs  Luke 3:1-6 

Jonathan's Friendship with David

7/4/2021 Blain Gibbs  1 Samuel 18:1-4 

Jonathan's Friendship with David Part 2

7/11/2021 Blain Gibbs  1 & 2 Samuel 

Joseph and the Birth of Jesus

12/25/2022 Blain Gibbs  Matthew 1:18-25 

Journey to the Cross

3/12/2023 David Doupe  Luke 23:26-32 

Joyful Slaves

5/5/2024 David Doupe  Philippians 1:1-2 

Joyful Suffering

12/17/2023 Blain Gibbs  1 Peter 4:12-19 

Joyfully Serving Christ Together

4/28/2024 David Doupe  Introduction to Philippians 

Judas' Betrayal

11/27/2022 Blain Gibbs  Luke 21:37-22:6 

Knowing Christ

9/15/2024 David Doupe  Philippians 3:7-11 

Knowing Your Own Heart

2/12/2023 David Doupe  Luke 22:54-62 

Known and Held by God

1/1/2023 Blain Gibbs  Psalm 139 

Leave Your Old Life Behind

9/9/2018 David Doupe  Eph 4:17-19 

Lessons on Answered Prayer from the Desperate

2/17/2019 Brian Kinzel  Matt 20:29-34 

Lessons on Prayer

11/14/2021 David Doupe  Mark 11:22-25 

Live the New Life

9/16/2018 David Doupe  Eph 4:20-24 

Living as the Church

10/13/2019 David Doupe  Titus 3:1-4 

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Showing records 151 through 180.