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Showing records 31 through 60.

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The Truth!

8/21/2022 David Doupe  Luke 20:41-47 

The Trouble With Job

8/6/2023 Jonathan Kleis  The Book of Job 

The Triumphal Entry

4/14/2019 Jay Fisher  Mat 21:1-11, Zech 9 

The Tragedy of Rejectiong Grace

1/9/2022 David Doupe  Luke 13:31-35 

The Tragedy of a Hard Heart

1/16/2022 David Doupe  Luke 14:1-6 

The Spirit of Promise

5/6/2018 David Doupe  Eph 1:13-14 

The Spirit Filled Wife

1/6/2019 Blain Gibbs  Eph 5:22-24 

The Spirit Filled Marriage

9/18/2022 Blain Gibbs  Ephesians 5:18-31 

The Spirit Filled Life

11/18/2018 David Doupe  Eph 5:18-21 

The Spirit Filled Husband

1/13/2019 Blain Gibbs  Eph 5:25-33 

The Sound of Good News

2/16/2020 David Doupe  Luke 1:39-45 

The Soon Ending Wait for the Good Shepherd & the Lamb

12/8/2024 Jay Fisher  Selected Scriptures 

The Son of God

7/5/2020 David Doupe  Luke 3:21-22 

The Son 'Unveiled'

6/7/2020 David Doupe  Luke 2:39-52 

The Smell of Victory

3/25/2018 Blain Gibbs  2 Corinthians 2:14-17 

The Smell of Victory

1/19/2025 Blain Gibbs  2 Corinthians 2:14-17 

The Shrewd Manager

3/6/2022 Blain Gibbs  Luke 16:1-13 

The Saved Thief on the Cross

3/26/2023 Blain Gibbs  Luke 23:39-43 

The Road to Truth

4/16/2023 David Doupe  Luke 24:13-32 

The Rich Young Ruler

6/5/2022 Blain Gibbs  Luke 18:18-30 

The Rescue Begins

1/19/2020 David Doupe  Luke 1:5-17 

The Promised One

7/26/2020 David Doupe  Luke 4:14-21 

The Promise of Hope

12/29/2024 David Doupe  Isaiah Overview 

The Priorities of a True Shepherd pt.2

7/28/2019 David Doupe  Titus 1:1-4 

The Priorities of a True Shepherd

7/21/2019 David Doupe  Titus 1:1-4 

The Prayer of Brokenness

5/22/2022 David Doupe  Luke 18:9-14 

The Power of the Resurrection

4/12/2020 David Doupe  John 20:19-31 

The Power of the Cross

3/30/2018 Jay Fisher  Matt 27:15-27 

The Power of Sound Doctrine

9/1/2019 Blain Gibbs  Titus 2:1-5 

The Power of Life

11/29/2020 David Doupe  Luke 7:11-17 

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Showing records 31 through 60.